Marriage Communication for a Holy Partnership

Communication for a Holy Marriage
February 21, 2024

In a world where communication suffers due to endless distractions and where selfishness often prevails, Deacon Chris Sperling's talk, "Communication at Every Stage of Marriage," serves as guide for couples navigating the complexities of married life. With over 13 years of experience in family therapy and armed with a Masters Degree in Marriage and Family Therapy, Deacon Sperling brings not only expertise but also a profound understanding of the sacred bond of marriage.


A Journey to Holiness

This presentation was givien at the first Dating and Marriage Conference to help Catholics understand the theology of marriage and its implications for how we treat our spouses. The heart of Deacon Sperling's message is that as spouses, we are called to lift one another up in holiness. While this is certainly a challenge, especially when emotions run high during an arguement, Deacon Sperling urges couples to view their relationship not as a transactional agreement but as a mutual journey towards holiness. We shouldn't be trying to "win" arguements, in which case our spouse would "lose", but rather we are to mirror the unconditional love that God shows us. 


Give and Take?

While many may describe marriage and the compromises that come with it as "a game of give and take", Deacon Sperling offers a correction to this way of thinking. No one wants to be taken from, so why would we think it is okay to treat our spouses this way? Instead, we should mimick the example that Christ gives us, which is to give and recieve. This subtle yet profound difference is crucial for revolutionizing how we act towards our husband or wife, and even other members of our family.


Practical Advice For Everyone

What sets this talk apart is Deacon Sperling's ability to blend deep theological insights with practical advice. He emphasizes that effective communication is not just about talking but about understanding and embracing each other's journey towards becoming the best versions of themselves. This approach fosters a nurturing environment where love flourishes not just in words but in actions and sacrifices.

For anyone seeking to deepen their marital connection and foster a more meaningful dialogue with their partner, Deacon Sperling's talk is a must-watch. It's a powerful reminder that at the core of every stage of marriage is the opportunity to communicate love, sacrifice, and a commitment to mutual sanctity.



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