Self-guided Retreat - Week 1
Ash Wednesday
For Individuals
Welcome to MAI’s Lenten Retreat. This retreat provides a program for individuals...Read more
MAI Holds First Dating and Marriage Conference In Effort to Reduce Catholic Divorce Rate
SAN ANTONIO, TX — The Mother of the Americas Institute (MAI), a nonprofit dedicated to evangelizing the Catholic faith across the US, hosted...Read more
Vatican II at 60 and the New Evangelization
Image Credit: Vatican Council II in session by Lothar Wolleh, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
The fall weather...Read more
Demonize, Destroy, Self-destruct
We recently read a review of Joshua Mitchell’s American Awakening , a book which provides an analysis of the current dysfunction in US...Read more
Right to Life: Why abortion is the pre-eminent issue
Another US bishop has reaffirmed that abortion is the pre-eminent issue in the upcoming election in the United States. This past year, the USCCB...Read more
Can Catholics Be Democrats?
A recent video telling Catholics they cannot be Democrats is becoming a point...Read more
COVID-19 Vaccines and Cooperation with Evil
As the world races to find an effective vaccine to defeat the COVID-19 pandemic, and even before we know if we will have a...Read more
Contemplative Prayer: It's for All of US
The Catechism of the Catholic Church's (CCC) very readable discussion of contemplative prayer should remind us that it is not just for certain temperaments...Read more
Why Cancel Culture is becoming an attack against the Catholic Church
A current great threat to Christian freedom and the social acceptability of Catholics in the West is the so-called Cancel Culture movement. This movement...Read more
Who Am I? A Meditation for Trinity Sunday
The pontificate of Pope St. John Paul II brougt with it the beginnings of implementing a renewal in the Church and society sought by...Read more